How to Get Funding for Your Startup: The EIS and SEIS Guide

Published on 25 February 2023 at 14:37


This article is dedicated to entrepreneurs who are searching for funding for their projects. We will be discussing the benefits of the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS), which offer significant tax incentives to investors who are willing to support small, high-risk businesses.

We will be exploring the eligibility criteria for EIS and SEIS, the benefits they offer to both entrepreneurs and investors, and the application process for these schemes. Additionally, we will highlight the importance of working with a qualified advisor to navigate the complex application process and increase the chances of success.


We understand that as an entrepreneur, exploring funding options can be a daunting task. However, with the right support and guidance, entrepreneurs can access the funding they need to achieve their goals and grow their businesses. The EIS and SEIS offer an attractive option for entrepreneurs who are looking to raise funds, and our aim is to provide insights and guidance that can help entrepreneurs make informed decisions.


We are excited to present this article, and we hope that it will be both informative and engaging for our readers. We are grateful to LOYALS accountants for bringing this article to the attention of every startup looking to get funding. Their expertise and guidance can make all the difference in helping entrepreneurs navigate the complex world of funding and achieve success.


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Are you eligible for EIS or SEIS?

A breakdown of the criteria

The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) are two government-backed initiatives aimed at promoting investment in small, high-risk businesses. These schemes offer tax incentives to investors in order to encourage them to invest in new and innovative companies, thereby boosting economic growth and job creation.


EIS is a scheme that was introduced in 1994 to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) raise finance by offering a range of tax reliefs to investors. These tax incentives include income tax relief, capital gains tax relief, and inheritance tax relief. The scheme is designed to help businesses that are looking to raise funds for growth and expansion, but may struggle to secure traditional forms of finance.


SEIS, on the other hand, is a more recent initiative that was introduced in 2012. This scheme is aimed at early-stage start-ups, offering investors even greater tax incentives to encourage investment in high-risk businesses. The tax reliefs offered by SEIS include income tax relief of up to 50%, capital gains tax relief, and inheritance tax relief. SEIS is specifically designed to help start-ups and new businesses that are seeking seed funding to get their ventures off the ground.


In order to be eligible for EIS or SEIS, businesses must meet certain criteria. For EIS, a business must have fewer than 250 employees, be based in the UK, and not be listed on any recognised stock exchange. The business must also be carrying out a qualifying trade, such as technology, manufacturing, or tourism. Additionally, the company must not have raised more than £12 million in total through EIS and other venture capital schemes.


For SEIS, the criteria are even more stringent. In order to be eligible, a business must have been trading for less than two years and must have fewer than 25 employees. The company must also have assets worth less than £200,000 and cannot have raised any funds from EIS or other venture capital schemes. The business must also be carrying out a qualifying trade, such as research and development or creative industries.


EIS and SEIS are government-backed initiatives aimed at promoting investment in small, high-risk businesses. These schemes offer tax incentives to investors, such as income tax relief, capital gains tax relief, and inheritance tax relief, in order to encourage investment in innovative companies. To be eligible for these schemes, businesses must meet certain criteria, including the type of trade they are involved in and the number of employees they have. While EIS is designed to help SMEs raise finance for growth and expansion, SEIS is aimed specifically at early-stage start-ups seeking seed funding.


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How can EIS and SEIS benefit entrepreneurs seeking funding?

The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) provide significant benefits to entrepreneurs seeking funding for their businesses. One of the key advantages of both schemes is the ability to raise funds from a wider pool of investors. The tax incentives offered by EIS and SEIS make investing in small, high-risk businesses more attractive to investors, increasing the chances of securing investment.


For entrepreneurs, this means access to capital that may not have been available through traditional means, such as bank loans or personal savings. By tapping into a wider pool of investors, entrepreneurs can also benefit from a diversity of skills, experience, and networks that investors bring to the table.


Another advantage of EIS and SEIS is the potential for increased investment amounts. As the tax reliefs offered by these schemes make investing in high-risk businesses more attractive, investors may be willing to invest larger amounts of capital than they would otherwise. This can be a game-changer for entrepreneurs who need significant amounts of capital to grow and expand their businesses.


EIS and SEIS can also help entrepreneurs attract investors who are willing to take on higher risk in exchange for potentially higher returns. As start-ups and high-growth businesses are inherently riskier investments, it can be challenging for entrepreneurs to find investors who are willing to take on that risk. However, the tax incentives offered by EIS and SEIS can help mitigate some of that risk for investors, making investing in high-risk businesses more attractive.


In addition, the tax reliefs offered by EIS and SEIS can help incentivise investors to hold onto their investments for a longer period of time. For example, under EIS, investors are eligible for capital gains tax relief if they hold onto their shares for at least three years. This can help align the interests of investors and entrepreneurs, as investors are incentivised to support the long-term growth and success of the business.


Overall, EIS and SEIS provide significant benefits to entrepreneurs seeking funding for their businesses. By offering tax incentives to investors, these schemes make investing in small, high-risk businesses more attractive and accessible, providing entrepreneurs with access to capital and a wider pool of investors. Furthermore, the tax incentives offered by EIS and SEIS can help align the interests of investors and entrepreneurs, increasing the chances of long-term success for the business.


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What are the benefits of EIS and SEIS for investors seeking to invest in small, high-risk businesses?

The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) provide significant benefits to investors seeking to invest in small, high-risk businesses. One of the key advantages of both schemes is the significant tax relief offered to investors on their investments in qualifying businesses.


Under EIS, investors can claim income tax relief of up to 30% on their investments, while under SEIS, investors can claim income tax relief of up to 50%. In addition, both schemes offer capital gains tax relief on the disposal of shares, meaning that investors can potentially achieve significant tax savings on their investments.


Beyond the tax benefits, EIS and SEIS can also help investors diversify their portfolios and potentially achieve higher returns. As high-risk investments, start-ups and small businesses have the potential to generate significant returns for investors, particularly if they are successful in growing and scaling their operations.


Furthermore, by investing in a portfolio of EIS and SEIS qualifying businesses, investors can spread their risk across a range of companies and industries, reducing their exposure to any one particular business or sector. This can help investors achieve a more balanced and diversified portfolio, which can potentially reduce overall risk and increase the potential for long-term returns.


EIS and SEIS can also offer investors the opportunity to support innovative and high-growth businesses that are making a positive impact on society. By investing in start-ups and small businesses, investors can help drive innovation, create jobs, and support economic growth, while potentially achieving significant returns on their investment.


Another advantage of EIS and SEIS is the potential for investors to engage with and support the businesses in which they invest. As start-ups and small businesses are often looking for guidance, support, and connections, investors can play an active role in helping these businesses grow and succeed. This can be particularly appealing to investors who are looking for more than just financial returns from their investments.


Overall, EIS and SEIS offer significant benefits to investors seeking to invest in small, high-risk businesses. From the significant tax relief offered to the potential for diversification and higher returns, investing in qualifying businesses under these schemes can provide investors with a range of advantages. Furthermore, by investing in start-ups and small businesses, investors can play a positive role in supporting innovation, job creation, and economic growth, while potentially achieving significant financial returns on their investments.


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What is the application process for EIS and SEIS, and why is it important to work with a qualified advisor?

Applying for the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) can be a complex process, requiring entrepreneurs to provide detailed documentation and comply with strict timelines. However, by following the appropriate steps and working with a qualified advisor, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success in securing funding through these schemes.


The application process for EIS and SEIS typically involves several key stages. First, entrepreneurs must ensure that their business meets the qualifying criteria for the relevant scheme. This may include meeting certain size and age requirements, as well as complying with other regulations and restrictions.


Once the business has been verified as eligible, entrepreneurs must prepare and submit detailed documentation to support their application. This may include financial statements, business plans, and other information about the business and its operations. Entrepreneurs must ensure that all documentation is accurate and up-to-date, as any errors or omissions could result in delays or even rejection of the application.


Once the application has been submitted, entrepreneurs can expect to receive a decision within a specified timeline. This timeline may vary depending on the scheme and other factors, such as the complexity of the application and the volume of applications being processed.

It is important for entrepreneurs to work with a qualified advisor who can guide them through the application process and provide expert advice and support. An experienced advisor can help entrepreneurs identify and address any potential issues or challenges in their application, and can also help entrepreneurs navigate the various requirements and timelines associated with EIS and SEIS.


Furthermore, a qualified advisor can provide entrepreneurs with valuable insights and recommendations about how to position their business and their application for success. This may include guidance on how to structure the investment offering, how to communicate the business's value proposition to potential investors, and how to identify and approach potential investors.


Ultimately, by working with a qualified advisor and following the appropriate steps in the application process, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success in securing funding through EIS and SEIS. With the right support and guidance, entrepreneurs can access the capital they need to grow their business and achieve their goals.


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In summary, the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) offer significant tax incentives to investors who are willing to support small, high-risk businesses. These schemes can be an attractive option for entrepreneurs who are seeking funding for their projects, as they offer access to a wider pool of investors and the potential for increased investment amounts.


EIS and SEIS can also provide benefits for investors, including the ability to diversify their portfolios and potentially achieve higher returns.

However, applying for EIS and SEIS can be a complex process, requiring detailed documentation and compliance with strict timelines. Working with a qualified advisor can help entrepreneurs navigate this process and increase their chances of success.


Readers are encouraged to explore EIS and SEIS further and seek professional advice from LOYALS accountants to determine if these schemes are a good fit for their businesses. With the right support and guidance, entrepreneurs can access the funding they need to achieve their goals and grow their businesses.


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