What are the best tax-saving techniques for the UK business?

Published on 17 January 2023 at 20:10



As a business owner in the UK, it's important to know the various tax saving techniques available to you. By utilising options such as taking advantage of tax allowances and reliefs, incorporating your business, making pension scheme contributions, keeping accurate records, and seeking professional advice, you can legally reduce the amount of tax your business pays and keep more of your profits.

As a chartered accountant, I understand that saving on taxes is a top priority for any business in the UK. In this article, I will share some of the best tax saving techniques that can help your business keep more of its hard-earned profits.



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How to make the most of tax allowances and reliefs?

Tax allowances and reliefs are a great way for businesses to reduce their tax bill and keep more of their profits. The UK government offers a variety of allowances and reliefs that can be used to lower your corporation tax. One of the most valuable allowances for businesses is the Annual Investment Allowance (AIA). The AIA allows businesses to claim 100% tax relief on eligible capital expenditure, such as the cost of purchasing new equipment or machinery. This can be a significant savings for businesses that are looking to invest in new equipment or expand their operations.

Another valuable relief is the Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit. This relief is designed to encourage businesses to invest in research and development by providing a reduction in corporation tax. To qualify for the R&D Tax Credit, a business must be carrying out R&D activities that seek to make an advance in science or technology. This relief can be a significant benefit for businesses that are involved in innovative or high-tech industries.


In addition to the AIA and R&D Tax Credit, there are a variety of other allowances and reliefs that may be available to your business. For example, the Employment Allowance allows businesses to claim back up to £4,000 per year against their employer National Insurance Contributions. The Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) and the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) also provide tax relief for investors in small, early-stage companies.


It's important to note that the availability and amount of reliefs may change from year to year, and also depends on the type of business, its size and its industry. Therefore, it's always a good idea to consult with a chartered accountant to understand the tax allowances and reliefs that may be available to your business and how to claim them. With the help of a professional, your business can take full advantage of these reliefs and lower its tax bill.


How to utilise pension scheme contributions?

Pensions are a vital part of retirement planning for UK businesses, and can also be an effective way to reduce tax liability. One key way to utilise a pension scheme in a tax-efficient manner is to take advantage of the government's tax relief on pension contributions.


In the UK, contributions made to a pension scheme by an employer are eligible for tax relief, which means that the government will provide a reduction in taxes on the money that is contributed to a pension scheme. This can significantly boost the overall value of the pension pot and also reduce the overall tax liability of the business. For example, if a business is in the 19% corporation tax bracket, every £100 they contribute to their employee's pension scheme will only cost them £81 after tax relief.


Another way for UK businesses to utilise a pension scheme in a tax-efficient manner is to take advantage of the tax-free growth on investments within the pension scheme. In the UK, investments within a pension scheme are not subject to capital gains tax or income tax, which means that the growth on investments within the pension scheme is tax-free. This can significantly boost the overall value of the pension pot over time.


Furthermore, UK businesses can also take advantage of salary sacrifice arrangements which allows the employees to give up part of their salary in exchange for employer pension contributions. This can be a win-win situation for both the employees and the employer as it can help the employees save for retirement and also reduce the employer's National Insurance contributions.


Overall, UK businesses can utilise a pension scheme in a tax-efficient manner by taking advantage of government tax relief on pension contributions, tax-free growth on investments within the pension scheme and by implementing salary sacrifice arrangements. This can help the business to save money on taxes while also providing a valuable benefit to the employees.


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What to consider when incorporating your business?

Incorporating your business as a limited company can offer a number of tax advantages, such as the ability to claim a lower rate of corporation tax on profits. Additionally, shareholders can also receive dividends which are taxed at a lower rate than salary.

When incorporating a business in the UK, it is important to consider various factors to ensure that the business is structured in a tax-efficient manner. One key consideration is the type of business structure. Different business structures, such as sole trader, partnership, limited liability partnership (LLP) or limited company, have different tax implications and it's important to choose the right one that suits the business objectives and goals.


Another important consideration is the choice of accounting period. Choosing the right accounting period can help businesses to align their tax liabilities with their cash flow and make better use of tax reliefs and allowances.

It's also important to consider the tax implications of any business transactions and to ensure that they are structured in a tax-efficient manner. For example, it may be more tax-efficient to finance a business through equity rather than debt. Additionally, it's important to consider the tax implications of any business expansion plans, such as opening new offices or acquiring other businesses.

Furthermore, it's important to consider the tax implications of remuneration and benefits for the directors and employees. UK businesses can save money on taxes by offering tax-efficient remuneration and benefits packages, such as pension schemes, share schemes and cycle to work schemes.


Finally, it's important to keep accurate and up-to-date records of all financial transactions and to seek professional advice to ensure that the business is structured in the most tax-efficient manner. This can help to ensure that the business is paying the right amount of tax and can help to identify any potential tax savings.


Overall, incorporating a business in the UK requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure that the business is structured in a tax-efficient manner. Choosing the right business structure, accounting period, structuring transactions and remuneration, and keeping accurate records are all key considerations to help UK businesses save money on taxes.


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How to keep accurate records?

Accurate record-keeping is essential for any business, but it is especially important when it comes to taxes. By keeping detailed records of all your business's income and expenses, you can ensure that you are claiming all the tax deductions and reliefs that you are entitled to.

Keeping accurate records is an essential aspect of running a UK business and is crucial in ensuring that the business is paying the right amount of tax. There are several key steps that UK businesses can take to keep accurate records and ensure that they are tax compliant.

Firstly, it's important to have a system in place for recording all financial transactions. This includes invoices, receipts, bank statements, and other financial documents. It's important to ensure that all financial transactions are recorded in a timely manner and that the records are accurate and complete.


Another important step is to keep records of all expenses incurred by the business. This includes not only the cost of goods and services but also other expenses such as travel, accommodation and training. By keeping accurate records of these expenses, the business can claim them as tax deductions and reduce its overall tax liability.


It's also important to keep records of all employees' and directors' remuneration and benefits. This includes salaries, bonuses, pension contributions, and any other benefits provided to the employees. By keeping accurate records of these items, the business can ensure that it is paying the correct amount of National Insurance contributions and that the employees are paying the correct amount of income tax.

Furthermore, it's important to keep accurate records of any assets owned by the business, such as property and equipment. This will help the business to claim capital allowances and reduce its overall tax liability.


Finally, it's important to seek professional advice to ensure that the business is keeping accurate records and that they are being used to maximum advantage. This can include seeking advice on the most tax-efficient way to structure the business, identifying potential tax savings and ensuring that the business is complying with all relevant tax legislation.


Overall, keeping accurate records is crucial for UK businesses in ensuring that they are paying the right amount of tax. By having a system in place for recording all financial transactions, keeping records of expenses, remuneration and benefits and assets, and seeking professional advice, UK businesses can save money on taxes and ensure that they are tax compliant.



Should I seek professional advice?

As an experienced tax management expert with over fifteen years of experience in this field, I highly recommend seeking professional advice to UK businesses looking to save money on taxes. The UK tax system is complex and ever-changing, and professional advice can help businesses navigate this complexity and ensure that they are paying the right amount of tax.


One of the key areas where professional advice can be beneficial is in the structuring of a business. An expert can help a business to choose the most tax-efficient business structure, such as a limited company, limited liability partnership (LLP) or a partnership. This can help to minimize the business's tax liability and ensure that it is paying the right amount of tax.


Another area where professional advice can be beneficial is in identifying potential tax savings. An expert can review the business's financial records and identify areas where the business may be able to claim tax deductions or take advantage of tax reliefs. This can help to reduce the business's overall tax liability.


Furthermore, professional advice can also help businesses to stay compliant with the ever-changing tax legislation. An expert can ensure that the business is aware of all relevant tax laws and regulations and can advise on the best course of action to take in order to stay compliant.

Additionally, an expert can help businesses to plan for the future by giving advice on tax-efficient ways to expand the business, such as opening new offices or acquiring other businesses. This can help to minimize the future tax liability of the business.


In conclusion, seeking professional advice from a tax management expert is crucial for UK businesses looking to save money on taxes. With the help of an expert, businesses can navigate the complexity of the UK tax system, identify potential tax savings, stay compliant with tax legislation and plan for the future. As a LOYALS expert with over fifteen years of experience in this field, I am confident that my team and I can provide valuable support and guidance to any business looking to minimize its tax liability.


As a LOYALS accountant with expertise in tax management, I highly recommend seeking professional advice to UK businesses looking to save money on taxes. An expert can help businesses navigate the complexity of the UK tax system, identify potential tax savings, stay compliant with tax legislation and plan for the future. Don't let your business pay more taxes than necessary, contact us today and let us help you minimize your tax liability.

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